How to generate an aggregate report

Included for free in plans

Please notice that only admins may generate aggregate reports.

Recommendations: generate the report with a maximum of 90 days of statistical data from your team's work in the JivoChat app to avoid any overload when downloading it. The more data in the report, the longer it will take to download.

To generate a report, please follow the steps below:

1.Open the JivoChat web app, or any of our Desktop apps, and go to Statistics -> Aggregated Report.

2.Select an interval with up to 180 days and click "Download". Choose if you want to generate the file in "Excel" or "CSV" format.

3.You'll receive a notification saying that the file is being generated. Wait a few minutes until the file generation is completed. You can continue working in chats and calls while the file is being generated.

4.Once the file is ready, you'll receive a new notification. Click "Download" or "Save file" to download your report.

Aggregated report by sites#

This section will show the general statistics for all channels in the account:

1.Accepted Chats - chats where the agents clicked the "Accept"/"Reply" button in the notification;

2.Accepted Calls - calls answered by agents;

3.Missed Chats - chats which were not accepted by any agents (none of the online agents accepted the chat and 15 minutes passed by after the client had already left the website without being answered by anyone, or all agents logged out of the app while there were online chats waiting to be answered in the Inbox section);

4.Missed Calls - calls which were not answered by agents;

5.Accepted Chats Without Agent's Answer - chats where the agent clicked to accept/reply but never sent an answer to the client before the chat was archived;

6.Offline Messages - messages sent from the offline form, which is shown to visitors when there are no agents online in chat.

Aggregated chats report by agents#

This section will show the general statistics of each agent considering all channels they are assigned to:

  1. Accepted chats - chats where the operator clicked the "Accept"/"Reply" button in notifications of new conversations;
  2. Accepted calls - calls where the operator clicked the "Answer" button in the window that appears to answer/accept the call;
  3. Transferred chats - transfers accepted by the operator;
  4. Rejected chats - chats rejected (clicking the "Reject"/"Ignore" button in notifications of new conversations counts as a rejected chat; for each conversation open in the "Inbox" section when the operator closes or logs out of the app, one rejection is counted);
  5. Accepted chats without operator response - chats where the operator clicked to accept/reply but did not send any response to the customer before the chat was archived;
  6. Offline messages - messages sent via the offline form, which is shown to visitors when there are no operators online in the chat;
  7. Online time (hh:mm:ss) - total time online in the app;
  8. Away time (hh:mm:ss) - total time away in the app (being away is different from logging out of the app);
  9. Average response time (in seconds) - average time the operator took to give the first response to the visitor/customer. This time is counted from the moment the visitor sends the first message until the operator sends the first message in the chat;
  10. Average chat duration (hh:mm:ss) - this time is counted from the moment the operator accepts the conversation until the last message sent/received in the chat;
  11. Positive rating - total number of positive ratings received during the service;
  12. Negative rating - total number of negative ratings received during the service;
  13. Blocking clients: clients blocked by the agent.

Report by site#

Agents' statistics separated individually by each existing channel in the account:

The parameters are the same as the "Aggregated chats report by agents".

That's it!

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