How to connect JivoChat to MercadoLivre
With our new integration you will be able to receive messages from orders made in MercadoLivre (Brazil). You can answer messages faster from the JivoChat app. In order to connect it you will need to suscribe to the MercadoLivre Module. After that, just follow these steps to connect it:
1- Go to settings -> Channels-> and find MercadoLivre:
2- In the next screen just click on "continue":
3- You will be redirected to mercadolivre. In this page you will need to add your user from the account you would like to link:
Type your password:
4- Now you will see an authorization screen. Please read and click on the "continuar" button:
5- Now you will need to authorize to link our app with MercadoLivre:
6- If it all went ok, you will see a notification like this one:
And that is all! Now you will be able to receive messages from MercadoLivre orders directly in the JivoChat app: