How to set up voice greetings
Have telephony channels in JivoChat? Set up voice greetings. Set up a voice message to greet your clients in operating hours, to kindly ask them to call you back when they happen to call when you’re offline, or inform them that they can hold on the line when managers are busy.
You can or upload your own file with a recording.
To set up voice greetings for your number open your JivoChat app and navigate to Manage > Channels > Settings (under the phone number channel) > Voice greetings.
*This feature is only available for numbers that allow inbound calls: numbers you acquired in JivoChat and ones connected via SIP.
"Voice greeting" during working time" is played to clients before they are connected to a manager.
"Voice greeting during non-working time" is played outside working hours.
"Voice phrase when agents are busy" is played when all managers are busy to let clients know that they can be connected if they hold on for a while.
All of these greetings have the same settings.
Select one of the options to set up a message:
Text to speech. Simply put your text and let our robot read it to your clients. Select the corresponding language and choose between male and female options for the robot voice.
Upload file. Select a file with a recorded message from your computer and upload it.
When you finish this step hit Play to make sure you like how the message sounds.
Press "Save greeting" and that is it. Have a productive day!